What is Customer Communication Management? [+ Best Practices and Tools]

Userpilot Team
10 min read3 days ago


Effective customer communication management creates the foundations for building successful customer relationships.

But how can you ensure your communication strategies lead to product engagement?

Let’s explore the definition and importance of CCM, its current trends, and the best practices for your customer communication strategies.


  • Customer Communication Management (CCM) refers to the process of managing and improving the interaction between a business and its customers through various communication channels.
  • While CCM focuses on communicating with customers across various channels, CRM is dedicated to managing the overall relationship and data associated with customers.
  • Customer communication management is important because it enhances customer satisfaction, retention, operational efficiency, insights, brand image, and conversion rates.
  • These are for of the most relevant trends in CCM that you should be aware of:
  1. Cloud storage for customer communication: Centralizes data for accessibility, scalability, and security, enhancing communication efficiency.
  2. Easier content creation & personalized messages: New technologies simplify content creation and personalization, improving engagement and efficiency.
  3. Customer communication tracking and analytics: Advanced analytics tools measure communication effectiveness and optimize strategies.
  4. AI-based functionalities to manage customer interactions: AI automates routine tasks and personalized interactions and generates actionable insights.
  • Let’s go over five best practices for implementing effective customer communications:
  1. Leverage customer data for personalized communications: Personalize onboarding experiences by segmenting user data and tailoring communication paths.
  2. Conduct product analysis to spot friction across the customer journey: Use product analytics to identify and address friction points, improving user experience.
  3. Deliver contextual messages to drive engagement: Provide in-app guidance based on user behavior to enhance learning and engagement.
  4. Collect and act on feedback to improve customer experience: Use targeted surveys to gather feedback and iterate on communication strategies.
  5. Personalize rewards to build customer loyalty: Implement loyalty programs that reward customers for desired actions, boosting engagement.
  • Here are three of the best customer communications management software:
  1. Userpilot: Offers in-app messages, a no-code editor, advanced condition settings, product analytics, and a staging environment.
  2. Zendesk: Provides multi-channel support, AI integration, automated workflows, and customer self-service portals.
  3. Podium: Centralizes messages in a unified inbox, facilitates feedback collection, automates messaging, and offers analytics and reporting.
  • Want to see how advanced CCM can drive engagement and growth for your SaaS business? Book a Userpilot demo!

What is customer communication management (CCM)?

Customer Communication Management (CCM) refers to the process of managing and improving the interaction between a business and its customers through various communication channels.

It involves the design, deployment, and monitoring of inbound and outbound communications, ensuring they are consistent, personalized, and effective across all platforms.

Customer communication management (CCM) vs. Customer relationship management (CRM)

Although Customer Communications Management (CCM) is used within Customer Relationship Management (CRM), their focuses are different.

Overall, CCM focuses on communicating with customers across various channels. While CRM is dedicated to managing the overall relationship and data associated with customers.

This means:

  • CCM involves outbound communications such as emails and messages, whereas CRM is about customer information and interactions.
  • CCM requires communication channels to work, while CRM integrates customer data from diverse sources.
  • While CCM aims to streamline and enhance communication processes, CRM’s overall objective is to strengthen customer relationships.
  • CCM uses communication platforms as tools, whereas CRM tools also include databases and analytics systems.

Why is customer communication management important?

Proper customer communication management is essential for creating an engaging customer experience. It ensures that communications are consistent, relevant, and timely.

Its benefits are multiple:

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: Personalized and timely communication meets customer needs more effectively.
  • Increased customer retention: Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Streamlined communication processes reduce redundancy and errors.
  • Better customer insights: Analyzing communication data provides valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors.
  • Stronger brand image: Consistent and professional communication strengthens the brand’s reputation.
  • Higher conversion rates: Targeted and relevant messages can convert prospects into paying customers more effectively.

4 Customer communication management trends

CCM is continually evolving with technology, so let’s go over four industry-shaping trends so you can maintain effective communication strategies:

Cloud storage for customer communication

Cloud storage allows businesses to centralize and manage their data in one place, revolutionizing the way businesses manage customer communications.

It allows you to store data and communication records in the cloud. As a result, anyone in your company can get access to the same information, scale consistent communications throughout multiple channels, and keep customer information safe through robust security protocols.

That said, making proper use of the cloud is necessary to build a customer communication process that’s responsive, efficient, and engaging.

Easier content creation & personalized messages

Creating content and personalizing messages has become significantly easier with newer technologies.

That said, you can use product management platforms (like Userpilot) to customize in-app messages based on existing templates or user data to deliver more relevant content. Providing multiple benefits such as:

  • Improved engagement: Personalized in-app messages resonate more with customers.
  • Boosted efficiency: The use of templates and AI saves time and resources in content creation.
  • Enhanced personalization: Allows for highly personalized customer interactions, increasing satisfaction.
personalized messages customer communication management
Creating in-app modals with Userpilot.

Customer communication tracking and analytics

Tracking and analyzing customer communication is essential for measuring its effectiveness and making data-driven improvements.

Using advanced analytics tools allows you to monitor customer interactions, find out about potential pain points, and get deeper insights about what resonates with them.

These tools open the door to:

  • Measuring effectiveness: Provides insights into which communication strategies are working.
  • Optimizing communication: Helps identify areas for improvement that you can address and communicate with customers.
  • Enhancing customer experience: Gives you insights into how to create personalized and timely interactions.
analytics customer communication management
Watching messaging analytics with Userpilot.

AI-based functionalities to manage customer interactions

AI tools are transforming customer communications management by automating and optimizing interactions. Since AI can handle routine tasks, provide insights, and enhance the overall customer experience, there are many ways to use AI to streamline your CCM processes, including:

  • Business process automation: Automates routine communication tasks, saving time and resources.
  • Personalization: Uses AI to tailor interactions based on customer data.
  • Insight generation: Analyzes communication patterns to provide actionable insights.

For example, an AI-based chatbot can handle customer inquiries 24/7. It provides instant responses and can escalate complex issues to the customer service team when necessary. And as a result, improves response times and customer satisfaction.

ai chatbot customer communication management
Amplitude’s AI chatbot.

Best practices to improve customer communications management

Now, let’s go over the best practices to improve your customer communications process to engage more customers:

Leverage customer data for personalized communications

Providing a personalized onboarding experience opens the door to communicating with customers in a more meaningful and relevant way.

In SaaS, you can scale personalized experiences by segmenting your user base and creating relevant product experiences based on their data.

For instance, you can use a welcome survey to gather information such as the user’s industry, their role within their organization, or their main motivation for using your product. Then craft an onboarding path that addresses their specific jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) and responsibilities.

segmentation customer communication management
Segmenting users with Userpilot.

Conduct product analysis to spot frictions across the customer journey

Measuring your results is the base of an effective customer communications strategy.

With product analytics, you can identify more friction points in the user journey and improve them. This process can involve tracking user behavior, mapping out the customer journey, and paying attention to key engagement metrics like churn rate, session length, and user activity.

This way, you can design and implement in-app help to assist customers when they’re likely to feel stuck.

For instance, if your paths and funnel analysis indicates a substantial drop in engagement during the onboarding process, you can immediately know that you need to streamline it to make it more user-friendly or interactive.

path analysis customer communication management
Performing path analysis with Userpilot.

Deliver contextual messages to drive engagement

Contextual guidance is another way to onboard users effectively. It helps users navigate and understand your product better, enhancing their experience by encouraging exploration.

That said, instead of showing a generic product tour that users are likely to skip, you can set contextual guidance to:

  • Guide users step-by-step with progressive onboarding.
  • Respond to in-app behavior in real time.
  • Avoid overwhelming users with information they won’t retain.
  • Enhance the user’s learning experience, as they can grasp how to use core features while interacting with the product.
contextual help customer communication management
Editing in-app tooltips with Userpilot.

Collect and act on feedback to improve customer experience

The best way to improve customer experience is to communicate with users and listen to their feedback.

To do this automatically, segment your users and target in-app surveys such as CES (customer effort score), CSAT, and NPS surveys to understand their points of view.

This lets you collect relevant feedback to their specific needs, iterate your CCM strategy, and close the feedback loop.

For example, you can ask users about their experience with customer service teams, and learn whether they’re satisfied or frustrated.

customer support survey customer communication management
Customer support survey example.

Personalize rewards to build customer loyalty

One way to engage customers is to reward your existing users for writing reviews or bringing in referrals through word-of-mouth.

This could involve setting up a loyalty program where loyal customers are rewarded each time they take a desired action, and those points can be exchanged for credits, free months, etc.

For example, you might trigger a follow-up message to customers with an NPS score of 9–10, asking them to leave a G2 review in exchange for a $100 Amazon gift card.

This strategy works because it communicates clearly about what’s in it and ensures the process is straightforward.

loyalty rewards customer communication management
Setting up a follow-up message with Userpilot.

Best customer communications management solution for SaaS

Selecting the right tools for customer communications management can make a significant difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of your communication strategies. Here are some of the best CCM solutions tailored for SaaS businesses:


Userpilot is a customer success platform with the ability to create, design, and trigger in-app surveys for user research, either from scratch or by using any of the multiple templates available.

This tool brings more than the ability to trigger in-app experiences. You can also create onboarding flows, collect user behavior data, and give access to advanced product analytics — everything to nurture product growth.

Here’s how Userpilot can help you improve customer communication:

  • In-app messages: Utilize various UI patterns to engage users directly within your app.
  • No-code editor: Easily create and customize messages without needing technical skills.
  • Advanced condition settings: Trigger messages contextually based on user properties, pages, and behavior.
flow creation userpilot
How to add a UI pattern with Userpilot.
  • Product analytics: Monitor customer interactions with released messages to better manage communication.
  • Staging environment: Test your communication strategy before the official release to ensure effectiveness.
staging environment userpilot
Staging environment settings in Userpilot.


Zendesk offers a robust set of customer service tools that cater to complex communication needs, providing a unified platform for customer interactions.

It allows businesses to connect with customers across multiple channels, including email, chat, voice calls, and social platforms, ensuring a consistent and personalized experience. Offering a strong array of CCM features, including:

  • Multi-channel support: Engage with customers across email, chat, voice calls, and social platforms for personalized service.
  • AI integration: Use AI to anticipate queries, offer self-service options, and respond quickly to customer issues.
  • Automated workflows: Automate repetitive tasks, reroute tickets to the appropriate agents, and identify urgent issues requiring human intervention.
  • Customer self-service: Build comprehensive self-service portals to empower customers and reduce support load.
Zendesk dashboard.


Podium is a platform focused on managing customer interactions and feedback. And it’s particularly suited for local businesses and service industries.

It centralizes communication by bringing all customer messages from various channels into one inbox, simplifying the process of responding and managing customer interactions. Podium also excels in gathering and managing customer feedback, helping you to improve their services based on real-time customer insights.

As for CCM features, Podium offers:

  • Unified inbox: Centralize all customer messages from various channels into one inbox.
  • Feedback collection: Easily collect and manage customer reviews and feedback.
  • Automated messaging: Use automated messaging to follow up with customers and maintain customer engagement.
  • Analytics and reporting: Gain insights into customer communication effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
Podium communications.


As we covered, effective customer communication management is vital for building strong, lasting customer relationships.

By leveraging the right strategies and tools, you can enhance your communication processes and improve customer satisfaction.

That said, why not book a Userpilot demo to see how advanced CCM can drive engagement and growth for your SaaS business?



Userpilot Team

Userpilot is a Product Growth Platform designed to help product teams improve product metrics through in-app experiences without code. Check out userpilot.com